Monday, March 30, 2009

M, for MangosTHIN

山竹Mangosteen, (sry couldn't help spelling as MANgosTHIN).. 是众所周知的水果之后is probably known as the Queen of Fruits. 它在我们社交圈里的职位是杜撰(zhuan4)的领袖Its position in our social circle is known as our ASSUMED leader, 一位不费功力就被认定为领袖的人one who supposedly got into power through a "walkover" in auditions.

它拥有的权力与水果之后皇冠所给预的权力是不分上下的The title of the Queen of Fruits holds the same power as the person represented by it. 水果之后The Queen of Fruits = 我们社交圈里的职位是杜撰(zhuan4)的次要领袖ASSUMED deputy leader of our little old community. 虽然这山竹对我声部的某一个人有特意的价值Although the mangosteen holds a particularly important role in the heart of one particular individual (eyesbrows raised, looking at a particular someone from my section), 它依然是公认的领袖it is still the undisputable leader of our group.

出身时日Date / Time of Origin: 未定Yet to be confirmed by the水果与生肖全会General Assembly of Fruits and Chinese Zodiac signs Organisation (GAFCZA). --> 念 "咖弗可杂" Pronounced gaf-ke-za.
名言Favourite catchphrase: 哈哈haha(?) / 我有"皮皮" I've got PP
能在何处找着Can be found at: 存储室Store, AVA, 这一边的巴士车站this side bus-stop 与岛上的一些食摊(and possibly certain food stalls around the island)
身高Height: 比我矮一点a lil shorter than me.
体重Weight: 因没有统计所以无法确定unaccounted for (not avaliable in statistics).
统计表Stats: 1-1-1 常见的比例(common ratio)
现状Status: 感情似有所交托assumed attached to someone 意思浅白(u get the point)

水果与生肖全会未想出一个The GAFCZA has not come up with a 撤除山竹在社会的超极权威possible solution to the issue of the over-dominance of mangosteen in our community.这前所未有的现象是因总统(not president but the literal meaning when you break the 2 chinese characters up)所例的条例而造成的 This is due to unforseen circumstances set about by our Head-of-state, 她似乎是偏爱这山竹多过他人who seems to favour the individual over any other one. 水果与生肖全会正在尽勤地讨论着要运用何政策来应付这复杂的问题GAFCZA is currently in the midst of constructing a possible counter-measure to resolve this complex issue.

总统的特别采访:Interview from the Head-of-state: 哎呀aiyo, 它(name of mangosteen) 不见得很厉害also not very good, 好像是失去了从前所拥有的一把好声音seems to be losing the nice sound that she used to have. 它厉害吗Is she good? 拉马与虎特别报道(Interview conducted by both llama and tiger) 采访日期:三月二十五日,星期三[Date of interview: 25th March (wed)]

相关资料Background information: 山竹是一个源自印尼热带雨林的常绿果树Mangosteen is a tropical evergreen tree believed to have originated in Indonesia. 它的高度能从七米高达二十五米The tree grows from 7 to 25 m tall. 当果实熟的时候它的外皮是深紫红色的The rind of the edible fruit is deep reddish purple when ripe. 那香甜的果肉被形容为甜美又多汁,The fragrant edible flesh can be described as sweet and tangy, 既香甜又有桃质的柑属味citrusy with peach flavor and texture.

令人惊讶的是Amazingly, 一百克的山竹含零点六克的脂肪it contains 0.6g of fats / 100g, 所以它可说是一种吃了会发胖的果实which makes it fatty. (so why is it called MangosTHIN?).

资料是维基百科免费提供的Information courtesy of Wikipedia.

其他相关资料会在水果与生肖全会的日常会议完成后再被填补上去Further information to be added on by the GAFCZA in time to come after the conclusion of the weekly(daily) meeting.

llama, off.
狗 启 上

PS: LOVE the REAL rihanna:)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A new fruit in town ( 一个新的水果)

BEWARE OF THE CHINESE. the english translation to the chinese is always after the chinese part.

档案(sorry michael)/factfile :

水果fruit: pineapple

其他称号OTHER name: VOUS (from the famous trio y'ver vous...)

发现日期date of discovery: 25th March 2oo9

发现时间time of discovery: around 7.15pm

发现地点venue of discovery: the bus stop on the OTHER side

被谁发现discovered by: moo woof rawr chompchomp(sorry monkey, the only sound i think you make is that of when you eat:D)

名言most famous quote: "If you don't have _ _ _ _ _ , H***"

小解a little description: 它属于那半个圆圈的最东部It is native to the eastern part of the semi-circle formation that we always stand in. 它只能长得约一点六米高It is only able to grow to (at most )1.6 metres tall 长满了许多隐密得很的刺,个刺有三十到一百公分长with numerous hidden needles 30 to 100 centimetres (1.0 to 3.3 ft) long, 刺儿们深藏在一个似乎充满了善意及友意的性格里surrounding a seemingly hollow and friendly stem of a character. 它是用来比喻一个称着许多职位的歌手的一个好例子The pineapple is an example of a singer with multiple roles: 合唱团团员chorister, 唯一的组长the one and only _ _ , 表层上的纪律严明者supposed disciplinarian(a character that always appears in front of important people), 唯一站位的指定者position-dictator(you stand here!), and 爱慧的掌上明珠apple of aihwee's eye 及许多不为人知的职位,单出于这一个既甜美多汁又结实的果子and many other more of what appears to be a single sweet, juicy and fleshy fruit. 它能生吃Pineapple is best eaten fresh. 但也可以用在甜点、沙律的制作、肉类菜肴的点缀(zhui4)与十二生肖特别配制成的上等果实鸡尾的制作It is used in desserts, salads, as a compliment to meat dishes and of course, fruit cocktail by the zodiac. 世上就只有唯一一个这样的它There is only ONE such pineapple available, 但它只对一些魔指与那坐在高椅上的显为真贵重要, 因为先者把它当成一种垫脚石;为了对付黑手党而交的盟友 and is valuable only to some magic finger who uses as it as a convenience, an alliance against the mob, and of course to the ONE who sits on the high chair:) 它是狠毒无声杀手之一It is one of the most vicious silent killers 因为当你生吃时because kyou it it fresh, 它会咬你的舌头it BITES YOUR TONGUE.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

to liven up the board... FRUIT THAT STARTS WITH Z

Sorry i couldn't resist the temptation to look for the fruit that starts with Z :D HAHA.

lo and behold... The fruit that starts with Z....

A zucchini's skin color can vary from dark to light green, sometimes with yellow markings that give it a mottled or striped look.
Unlike cucumber, zucchini are usually served cooked. It can be prepared using a variety of cooking techniques, including steamed, boiled, grilled, stuffed and baked, barbecued, fried, or incorporated in other recipes. It also can be baked into a bread(o.O can you imagine like let's say cucumber in bread!!!). Its flowers can be eaten stuffed and are a delicacy when deep fried, as tempura.

The zucchini when it's still not ripe.

The zucchini when it's ready to be eaten. The way i like it of course:D

Hmm... I went around trying to see what this fruit can be used for. Apparently it can be used to cook...

Hopefully clarissa will be able to cook this for us. ratatouille. HAHA. But then again, it doesn't exactly look very appetising:S

so there you have it:D The highly anticipated Z-fruit, which i know you all are super thankful for me posting it:D Somebody try to find it in the supermarket *hint: it looks like a cucumber o.o

the monkey swings away...